Raising ______ *fill in the blank*
I have been thinking lately about all of those self-help books and books about tips on anything you ever wanted tips about, Mainly raising children.
Now really, instead of one big book about " How to Raise Children", I think they should really divide it into;
How to raise a baby
How to raise a toddler
How to raise a preteenager
How to raise a teenager
How to raise a young adult
Often when I was around other parents and we were talking about certain new stages that our child was going through, I would always hear, "Just wait another year, it gets worse". I, of course would just smile obliviously and go on. I have found, however, that those very wise parents did indeed know what they were talking about. Don't get me wrong, I love my son very much (and my step-son, just haven't raised him from birth) and am so proud of him, but am a true believer now in what those parents from the past were saying.
We are in the teenage years now and getting to the point where the, "because I'm the mommy" or "because I said so" phrases just don't work anymore and I am having to explain all of my decisions and the intentions behind said decisions. I am now having to go through the eye-rolling and arguing every point of the discussion. Phrases like "it's not my fault" , "I need to know why", and "why do you have to ALWAYS say no" come out quite often.
I remember when I would get in trouble as a teenager, my mom would smile at me and say, "I can't wait until you are the parent". I remember thinking, yeah and I'll do things so different and won't say no to my kids. Well, guess what, I'm a parent now and mom, I'll admit it, you were right.
My mother also used to say that God tests us in our everyday life. Well, I hope that he grades on a curve! I guess though, that since my son is well thought of by his teachers, gets on the honor roll all the time and is very well mannered in public, that maybe I'm not doing such a bad job after all. Stayed tuned for the raising of a young adult adventure!
Patience and Love are definitely the key to raising a child and I didn't even need a book to tell me that one. So, maybe we don't need books after all to tell us what may already be instinct as parents. There's a thought!
Now really, instead of one big book about " How to Raise Children", I think they should really divide it into;
How to raise a baby
How to raise a toddler
How to raise a preteenager
How to raise a teenager
How to raise a young adult
Often when I was around other parents and we were talking about certain new stages that our child was going through, I would always hear, "Just wait another year, it gets worse". I, of course would just smile obliviously and go on. I have found, however, that those very wise parents did indeed know what they were talking about. Don't get me wrong, I love my son very much (and my step-son, just haven't raised him from birth) and am so proud of him, but am a true believer now in what those parents from the past were saying.
We are in the teenage years now and getting to the point where the, "because I'm the mommy" or "because I said so" phrases just don't work anymore and I am having to explain all of my decisions and the intentions behind said decisions. I am now having to go through the eye-rolling and arguing every point of the discussion. Phrases like "it's not my fault" , "I need to know why", and "why do you have to ALWAYS say no" come out quite often.
I remember when I would get in trouble as a teenager, my mom would smile at me and say, "I can't wait until you are the parent". I remember thinking, yeah and I'll do things so different and won't say no to my kids. Well, guess what, I'm a parent now and mom, I'll admit it, you were right.
My mother also used to say that God tests us in our everyday life. Well, I hope that he grades on a curve! I guess though, that since my son is well thought of by his teachers, gets on the honor roll all the time and is very well mannered in public, that maybe I'm not doing such a bad job after all. Stayed tuned for the raising of a young adult adventure!
Patience and Love are definitely the key to raising a child and I didn't even need a book to tell me that one. So, maybe we don't need books after all to tell us what may already be instinct as parents. There's a thought!
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