Friday, August 01, 2008

Remodeling...chapter 3

O.K., so, continueing on, we picked out the kitchen tile and have proceeded to tile the kitchen floor. Most of the tile has been painstakenly my amazement...and hubby has grouted about half the kitchen. I now know how to lay ceramic tile, but wouldn't quit my day job to do it. I am very happy with the way it came out though. I even picked out a runner and another rug placed at the sliding glass door.

Five weeks later than what we were told, the granite countertop was delivered and installed! They attached the granite sink and then we installed the faucet and all the attachments that came with it. I think it looks great and I am pleased with the job they did at installing the granite. Oh, and of course all of the cabinets and toe kicks are in place. The first time we moved the refrigerator back into it's place we heard a crack and pop! I just knew sound was not good. So, yes, a tile had cracked and we had to move the refrigerator back out and replace the tile. When the boys and I, carefully, moved the fridge back into place the second time, we also heard a

crack but never saw a cracked tile. So I guess we are good then...that's what I keep telling myself. we just finished ordering the back splash and we have another two weeks until it comes in.

We are now looking at wood laminate flooring to be put into the livingroom and hallway. My husband thinks that in order to do the best job he can, we need to spend some money on a 12" sliding compound miter saw. I suppose that he should have tools that allow him to the best job possible don't you?

I will update again after we get the backsplash installed. That might be some time though since we are only working on this project on the weekends!

C :)
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