Been a while!!

Wow, It's been a while since I have posted...July? Summer went too fast and work has been crazy ever since we started back to school.
On one hand Football season drug on with a 0-6 win-loss season...even though our youngest played his little heart out...but we chalk it up to good experience. He's looking forward to high school football and wanting me to go to the YMCA with him to work out. It certainly couldn't hurt to have a little release after work.
Tennis season will come sooner that we think..which is the sport of choice for the older son...our brainiac who wants to be a Geologist. He seems to be thriving as a new freshman in high school and enjoying all his classes...especially Geoscience and he's looking forward to Biology next semester.
We now have TWO Italian Greyhounds in our home...Brody(7 months) and Casey(5 months). We felt that Brody needed a little buddy and found Casey who is a pure joy...most of the time. I love this breed of dogs and feel that they are the best indoor dogs...they don't shed...rarely bark and are very much lap dogs! We call Casey wiggle butt because he doesn't seem to know how to wag his tail without wagging his butt also.
I am looking forward to my trip to Las Vegas in November! Vegas Baby!!! Seems like much of the family will be joining me too. Maybe I'll win the jackpot...riiiiight. My husband wants to buy a Honda Silverwing for me to ride back and forth to work...helloooo...helmet head!!! It might be fun for just pleasure riding though. We recently bought the "Transformers" dvd. It was a must buy after seeing the movie in the theatre. For anyone who grew up watching the show on Saturday mornings, it's well worth it to buy the dvd.
Maybe I can update sooner next time for anyone who actually reads this besides my relatives.
Au Revoir,