Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Spring Breakin' it!!!!!!

Yes it is Spring Break time and I am off for the week. What am I doing, you ask(or not)? Well, absolutely nothing and I am proud to say that I am doing it rather well!! The 7 day forcast of rainstorms may have something to do with it I'm sure. The rainy weather has actually enhanced my plans that have now included, going to a movie, AND doing nothing. I have also been childless these past two days as number 1 child has gone to grandpa's house to keep him company and spend some quality time with him. Tomorrow, I plan on driving many miles to pick up aforementioned #1 child in time to celebrate his birthday. I have preempted my current plans of nothing in order to celebrate his birthday as he see's fit. I know that I have put my plans of nothing into jeapordy, but am willing to do this for him. After all, birthdays come but once a year!!!!

(Birthday boy pictured above) How could I resist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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